Elite ID Protection offers you powerful ID Monitoring with a four component Identity Theft Package to provide you with worry-free protection 24/7. However, if you do become a victim, it also helps you manage the after effects with personalized ID Recovery & Restoration Assistance and $25,000 in ID Theft Insurance.
To begin your membership, please complete the Registration Activation Form below in full. Your ELITE ID PROTECTION Welcome Letter will be emailed to you from , so be sure to double-check your email address. If you do not receive your welcome email shortly, please check your spam folder prior to contacting us.
The letter will contain your benefit information, your ID Protection membership website, and your membership card to retain in your wallet or purse. Simply go to the website to learn more about this valuable service.
EARLY ALERT DETECTION — Our early detection and warning system utilizes a proprietary system to provide worry-free identity protection 24/7. We scan thousands of financial and non-financial databases looking for suspicious activity so we can help stop the problems before they start. When key indicators of identity theft are detected, you will be immediately notified via a phone call.
IDENTITY RESTORATION SERVICES — We provide step-by-step instructions for restoring your identity or have us do it with 24/7 access to trained identity theft specialists that aid in the recovery process.
$25,000 ID THEFT INSURANCE POLICY — With a $0 deductible, this benefit protects against the financial hardships associated with identity theft such as costs to defend against collection suits for falsely incurred debt, lost wages, other legal fees and correspondence with creditors.
MONTHLY NEWSLETTER — This e-publication educates our members on various privacy issues as well as providing notification of potential frauds or threats.